I wanted to learn Clojure for a while but never made much progress beyond the level of where I had a running slime connection to Clojure and had a simple initial leiningen project file for a web project with ring. I just got distracted by other stuff but more importantly, I had no goal for a web project, so I already failed with thinking about what I would build. Consequently, I stopped reading Fogus and Housers nice book Joy of Clojure. After quite a while (close to a year), I stumbled upon some posts reminding me of the code katas on the pragmatic programmers web site (cf. code katas). Somehow this triggered the idea that doing these katas might be a good way to learn Clojure finally.
In the linked blog posts I’ll describe the various solutions I worked out. This post here will serve as the main overview and get updates as I move along.
- Setup
- Kata 2: Karate chop / binary search
- Kata4: Data munging
- Kata5: Bloom filters
- Kata 6: Anagrams
- Kata 14: Trigrams
The code (as well as the original markdown for these articles) can be found on github.
Kata 14 concludes my little journey into the original katas. It took far too much time writing these, as I didn’t had enough time to work on them continuously. Besides, many of the katas I’ve left out seemed rather uninteresting and some are thought experiments.
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