File download with ClojureScript
As I couldn’t find a recipe on how to provide some data from a ClojureScript application for download, here’s how. If you know how to do this in JavaScript already and if you’ve done any CLJS-JavaScript interop, there’s nothing new for you to learn here, as this is a pretty straight-forward translation of how to use the Blob API and clicking a temporary link in JavaScript,
(defn file-blob [datamap mimetype]
(js/Blob. [(with-out-str (pp/pprint datamap))] {"type" mimetype}))
(defn link-for-blob [blob filename]
(doto (.createElement js/document "a")
(set! -download filename)
(set! -href (.createObjectURL js/URL blob))))
(defn click-and-remove-link [link]
(let [click-remove-callback
(fn []
(.dispatchEvent link (js/MouseEvent. "click"))
(.removeChild (.-body js/document) link))]
(.requestAnimationFrame js/window click-remove-callback)))
(defn add-link [link]
(.appendChild (.-body js/document) link))
(defn download-data [data filename mimetype]
(-> data
(file-blob mimetype)
(link-for-blob filename)
(defn export-data []
(download-data (:data @some-state) "exported-data.txt" "text/plain"))
I’ve tried to break it down into pretty self-explaining pieces, but here is a bit of explanation: export-data
would be used as an on-click handler on some UI element and would expect to gather the data to be exported in some way. Here, we’re just assuming the data is already stored in some state-atom and is a map. file-blob
is pretty-printing the data somewhat, declaring the content to the given MIME type (e.g. text/plain
) and then returning the newly created blob. Of course, you might want to change the pretty printing or the MIME type, depending on your data.
We’re not doing anything fancy with the created Blob object, we simply hand it over to URL.createObjectURL
whose result we use as the href
attribute of a newly created anchor element. Setting the download
attribute will tell the browser not to navigate to the URL. After this we simply add this new link to the DOM and then execute the download by dispatching a MouseEvent
on said link. This actually triggers the download, i.e. the browser will open up a file save dialog with the suggested name, so the only thing left to do is to clean up the link from the DOM.